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The series of questions you have just answered suggest that the optimal mechanism for you to acquire biospecimens for your current research project is by “creating” a biobank. This means that the type of biospecimens that you require are usually best obtained by establishing a new biobank or collection. In this section we will:

  • Provide you with a video overview
  • Provide you with education module describing some of the pros and cons of creating your own biobank
  • Provide you with supplementary resources
  • Address some FAQs related to creating a biobank

We recommend you explore each of the tabs below from left to right. If at the end of this section you still have questions about obtaining biospecimens or more specific questions about the mechanism of creating you may contact our help desk at


Click to watch the video.

Create Intro Video


Supplementary Resources

To create a biobank you will need the following:

  • organization or governance plan
  • organizational structure
  • ethical conduct
  • privacy considerations
  • quality
  • personnel education and training
  • standard operating procedures (SOPs) and policies
  • biospecimen handling and storage
  • databases
  • researcher access
  • intellectual property
  • security and planning

You will find templates for all of the above and more at Click on sign up and follow links for starting up a new biobank

Frequently Asked Questions

For answers to questions about how to create a biobank, please review the following two FAQ sections:

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